Quick Introduction to the Birth Chart

Introduction Most people are introduced to astrology when they learn their Sun Sign, which correlates with the day of the year when you were born. Some people strongly identify with their Sun Sign, while others might read descriptions and feel like the information is off. It’s best to not analyze your Sun Sign in isolation, […]

The Difference Between ‘Lucky’ and ‘Unlucky’ Planets

One thing that I’ve learned as an astrologer is that people are often unaware of where their luck is. I mean that like nobody has ever come into my office complaining about a Jupiter Transit – Jupiter being the luck Planet. But whenever I point out someone like Saturn – the planet of challenge, the […]

Understanding Benefic and Malefic Planets

A Midjourney AI Smiley Face with a Blindfold On as a Planet

I’ve noticed that my clients are often oblivious to their luck. No one has ever come into my office complaining about a lucky transit from Jupiter (unless they are trying to keep their weight down). But whenever I point out a challenging, malefic planet like Saturn, my clients are acutely aware of its harsh effect. […]

Pluto in Aquarius: Its Meaning and an Astrologer’s Prediction

If you follow astrology then you probably already know; Pluto has just entered Aquarius — the sign of technology, social groups and the future. Pluto will dip back into Capricorn one last time in September and November, until it fully crosses the threshold into Aquarius and stays there until 2043. What can we expect from […]

Astrology 101 – Learn How To Read A Birthchart in 80 Minutes

What Is Astrology?             I remember when I first started studying astrology, I became obsessed with learning everything I could about it. I hope this video whets your appetite to learn more because astrology is a deeply enriching practice. I also want to say that I’m just one voice in a vast community. There are […]

Which House Rules God?

The Planetary Joys Hello friend! I just wanted to share some insights I was having about the Third House and why the ancient astrologers called it the House of the Goddess. I was having this conversation with my friend Vivi (@vivi_henriette) the other day on one of our IG Lives and it really got me […]

Born Under a Bad Sign: How to Handle Difficult Placements in Your Chart

I met up with a client this week who was really smart and well educated and she was just beginning to learn astrology. She came to me because she wanted to talk about the difficult aspects in her chart and she was feeling bummed out about them. She helped me remember what it was like […]

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