00:00:01 every year around your birthday the sun returns to the exact same place in the Zodiac as it was when you were born this often happens on your birthday but sometimes it can take place a day before or after you know each year has a different amount of days like a leap year for example when this moment happens astrologers capture it by casting a chart we then interpret the solar return chart to get a sense of what your year ahead will look like some astrologers cast solar return chart for the place you physically are when it
00:00:32 happens so let’s say you were traveling to Barcelona for your birthday then we would set the chart there this is a modern approach and it really allows you to adjust your solar return based upon your location you can always plan on spending your birthday somewhere to bring out some preferred placements in your solar return maybe you want to put a lucky planet on your mid Heaven which is the career point in your chart the Renaissance method always uses your birthplace for every Sol a return I use
00:01:02 this method when analyzing potential for that year I may compare several years ahead to see which one is best suited for my client’s goal if career looks stronger this year than the next then this is the time to push ahead and sort of strike when the iron’s hot if you’re not sure about what a solar return reading can do for you you can always book a free consult with me to ask any questions thanks for watching