Full Moon in Leo on January 25, 2024 with Pluto in Aquarius

Wow! Pluto in Aquarius will kick off during this power hungry Full Moon in Leo

Happy Full Moon in Leo! And she is a power hungry one because Pluto is all up in the mix and just entered Aquarius. The Aquarians in your life are going to go through some major identity changes in the next few years, and they may get a little extra powerstruggle-y too. Pluto is going to dip back into Capricorn one last time before staying in Aquarius for two whole decades. I’ll probably want to do a special video about that soon, but if you think the world has gotten tribalistic just wait and see how clannish things are going to get over the coming years!

Now the other big astrological news this month is that after Uranus goes Direct on the 27th. All of the planets are going to be fast and direct, including the transcendental ones – Uranus, Neptune and Pluto. When all of the planets move forward, and that means nobody in the sky is retrograde, time can literally feel like it’s moving faster. It’s like the cosmic symphony is completely unimpeded so it can be a good time for starting new things in your life.

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